Posts Tagged ‘ javascript ’

Level Change Transition in Unity3D

In the last topic I covered how to make a loading screen in Unity3D and as we all know that it is very very important to make a loading screen and we find that in almost all the games. Now, in this topic I want to cover to make some kind of transition effect in starting of the level.

If we try to recall all the past games we have played so far, we might notice that almost all the games have some kind of transition as the level starts. And If we take a moment to think about it, we may see the benefit of making those effect in our game. Transition, somehow makes the player prepare for whats about to come in his next level. It gives the player few extra second to be prepared for the next level. Imagine yourself waiting to play next Level of the game while you see a loading screen and then just like that in a moment of mili-second you find yourself in between a jungle or a cave or whatever the level contains. The player might actually be confused but if the same thing happens and you get into that situtation after say 3 second fade-in effect, then that 3 second will actually prepare you and you will be able to adjust youself with the surrounding of the levels.
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Making a loading screen in between Levels is Unity3D

Loading is one of the most considered thought while making Levels. We always have to be careful so as not to make our levels too heavy. Long loading makes the user bored from the game resulting in simple uninstallation or bad review. Though there are many ways by which we can optimize the game in order to make it load faster.
Whatver the case may be, it is always a good idea to make a loading screen to appear in between levels so as to make the user aware that the game is working on loading a screen rather than giving an appearance where it seems that the game has just freezed.

As with my progress in my current game I had to make a similar loading screen and was totaly unaware of how to do it in Unity3D. I have a experience in making games for Flash and it was pretty simple in Flash. After doing little experiment of my own I found that, in Unity too its as simple as making a seperate scene and just arranging the screen in a similiar fashion.

Following is the little guide on how to make a Loading Screen in Unity3D:
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Exploring Unity3D

This is kind of a late post as I have been exploring Unity3D since 2 Months and I must admit I have learned a lot. Which takes me to the point to desire more, explore and study the game which has already been made and released using Unity3D. I have been following Unity3D forum closely to keep myself updated with the interviews and Tips&Tricks.

I suppose with Unity3D v4.0 coming in a month its becoming more powerful and has more to offer to its users. Also as I have been using JavaScript( or UnityScript) till now, I have decided to move on to C#. I am new to C# but as I have done C and C++ long time ago in school, I guess It just the matter of time when I am comfortable in Scripting using C# as I am now in JavaScript.

I also hope to release few games which I have made in this two Months however all the games are entry level games with not so attractive look and feel but I am quite happy with the Gameplay. I really hope to publish and add the web version here in my Blog. I am also working on a few iOS games in my office and also planning to make a PC/MAC/iOS/Android Game along with my friend. I will update about it as soon as it comes in Action. We are still in planning stage 😉