Archive for the ‘ Gaming ’ Category

Touch Inputs in Unity3D

This is the one of the most discussed topics in many forums. Even though Unity3D is a multi platform game engine and supports all the mobile devices, the touch input with Unity3D is still tricky and not so easy to achieve. Even when attempted, many a times its not a smooth user experience and sometimes quirky and laggy. After many trials and errors I have come across a way to get the touch input work and I am sharing my way with you. Hopefully it will be of some use to you guys and may be you can take it a step further and can modify it according to your needs.

Please not that this Touch Input is for “Tap Detection” only including Multiple Finger Taps, as most of the devices can now detect upto 5 fingers at a time.

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Setting Up Prime31 AdMob Plugin in Android game in Unity3D

Hi guys,

If you are also an independent Game Developer then it is very important to somehow make the game monetize so as to support you as a developer. Ofcourse We can always make our game paid, but then being an indie developer, if we do so we might lose lots of users as they might not just buy our game thinking whether its even worth buying it or not. The only way to make sure that people download our game is by making it free.

The current time has been very favaourable for the indie developers as we now have the option to make our game “freemium” which means that it is free to play but if the user really likes the game they can go ahead and buy some expansion or upgrades from inside the game and thus making sure to support the developer too in doing so along with us being very transparent in leting them know that “its worth it”. The other great way is “Ads”. I, however dislike ads but then its a very good source of revenue considering you have a moderate number of downloads and your game is really worth the replayability. As the more people play everyday, the more the chances of clicking on the ads. There’s lots of options for us in terms of ads like AdMob, MobClick, etc. I prefer to use Admob by google as its a very good option but then again its really very painful to integrate the AdMob SDK inside Unity3D, unless you are familiar with the Eclipse and Google Java Programming. I am not a hardcore programming guy and therefore learning eclipse and making my own plugin seems very time taking to me (though I have tried my hands in it just to see myself with no luck in the end) So I decided to use the Plugin made by Prime31 ( Its a very good plugin and it says that its really easy to integrate it into the Unity3d Project but I dont think so. I have tried and tried and have failed to do so. There documenation is also not very friendly. So after doing lots of research in the internet I came with some luck and after some trial and error method I have managed to integrate it into my game.

So this is a small tutorial on how to inegrate it into the scene if, you also like me is having a hard time struggling with Prime31 setup.

Following is the step by Step instruction on how to set up the Prime31 Admob Plugin for Android Continue reading

Camera-Shake Effect in a FPS Game


I have been wanting to write this post for a long time but as I was busy with my other work it just got delayed.

If you have played FPS games then you must have noticed some kind of effect which makes the user feel whenever his health is reducing. Such as the camera shake or the screen becoming red with blood splash. This kind of effect brings realism to the game and make the player feel the damage. If we don’t have any damage effect apart from just reducing the health count then somebody might be shooting the player from the back and the player would not even realise when he is dead.  Continue reading