Posts Tagged ‘ C# ’

Exploring Unity3D

This is kind of a late post as I have been exploring Unity3D since 2 Months and I must admit I have learned a lot. Which takes me to the point to desire more, explore and study the game which has already been made and released using Unity3D. I have been following Unity3D forum closely to keep myself updated with the interviews and Tips&Tricks.

I suppose with Unity3D v4.0 coming in a month its becoming more powerful and has more to offer to its users. Also as I have been using JavaScript( or UnityScript) till now, I have decided to move on to C#. I am new to C# but as I have done C and C++ long time ago in school, I guess It just the matter of time when I am comfortable in Scripting using C# as I am now in JavaScript.

I also hope to release few games which I have made in this two Months however all the games are entry level games with not so attractive look and feel but I am quite happy with the Gameplay. I really hope to publish and add the web version here in my Blog. I am also working on a few iOS games in my office and also planning to make a PC/MAC/iOS/Android Game along with my friend. I will update about it as soon as it comes in Action. We are still in planning stage 😉